MVRMA Governance

Board of Trustees

Each member municipality has one representative on the Board of Trustees and an alternate representative to serve when the Trustee is unable to carry out his/her duties. Annually, the Board elects a slate of officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. In the absence of an Executive Director, the President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association.


John Crowell

John Crowell, President

John Crowell

Police Chief

City of Montgomery

The President of the Board of Trustees shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Trustees.  In the absence of an Executive Director, the President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and shall in general supervise and control the day-to-day operations of the Association and shall carry out the policies of the Association as established in these Bylaws and by the Board of Trustees.


John Green, Treasurer

John Green

Finance Director

Tipp City

The Treasurer has charge and custody of and is responsible for all funds and securities and maintains the financial books and records of the Association.

Tyler Roark, Vice President

Tyler Roark

Director of Finance

City of Centerville

The Vice President shall carry out all duties of the President during the absence or inability of the President to perform such duties and shall carry out such other functions as are assigned from time to time by the President.

Board Meetings

The Board of Trustees meets quarterly, generally the third Monday of March, June, September, and December. Members can view minutes on the Resources page.

Standing Committees

It is the President's ultimate responsibility to establish MVRMA's five standing committees: Nominating-Awards Committee/Records Commission, Finance/Audit Committee, Membership Services & Marketing Committee, Personnel & Compensation Committee and Risk Management Committee. Committees meet prior to the Quarterly Board Meeting when there are specific concerns, questions or needs to address and consider. The committees' recommendations are then presented to the full Board for approval.

Upcoming Meetings

Board Meeting

Sep 16 2024


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